Properties of Water

Properties of Water and Life As We Know It

Living systems depend on properties of water that result from its polarity and hydrogen bonding.

Seven properties of water that make it conducive to life on earth as we know it.
  1. Adhesion
  2. Cohesion
  3. High Specific Heat Capacity
  4. Universal Solvent Supports Reactions
  5. Heat of Vaporization
  6. Heat of Fusion
  7. Water's Thermal Conductivity
Dew on spider web Luc Viatour.jpgHibiscus pink.jpg
How do this spider web and this flower demonstrate cohesion and adhesion?
Image Credits: "Dew on spider web Luc Viatour" by I, Luc Viatour. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

Required Video (SCHS): Water: A Polar Molecule; Water Potential

Required Reading (SCHS): Starr & Taggart, p. 26-27

Required Quiz (SCHS): Water: A Polar Molecule Quiz.
     Please note you need to know the definition to each of the seven properties above

Required Practice (SCHS): Work through the following problems.  Cover the solutions until you are ready to check your answers.  You WILL have a problem like this on your next exam as well as being a possible AP-Test topic.  Submit the work showing where you solved these problems on the Google Classroom assignment titled, "Water Potential Practice".

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